Mckenzie's Podcast

Episode 10 - McKenzie and the Mercedes



McKenzie waited anxiously for Maria to show. They had meticulously planned this meeting before she helped him to escape from ‘La Dama de la Noche’. Maria had decided to go to her father in Sao Paulo Brazil. Together with McKenzie, they had staged his escape and arranged a rendezvous in Marbella’s Old Town. McKenzie would drive them both, in his hired car, to Malaga Airport. They would catch a flight to London’s Heathrow and, from there, onto Sao Paulo. Don Pedro would be so preoccupied with finding McKenzie that they should be absorbed into the populace of Sao Paulo before he even noticed that Maria was missing. McKenzie had left some false trails that would, hopefully, lead Don Pedro into thinking that he had driven north to France. That was what McKenzie loudly told the man at the car hire office in Puerto Banus. McKenzie sat quietly outside La Gaviota bar drumming his fingers on the steering wheel of the hired black Merc and he waited…… They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of