Better On Draft | A Craft Beer Podcast

Craft Beer News (09/15/23) – Solar Power Suds



CRAFT BEER PODCAST NEWS EPISODE!With Dan in New Zealand, Ken and Wendy welcome Jeff back to the show to talk about craft beer news and stories from the past weeks. Recapping the UP Beer Festival Jeff asks if there is a decline in the beer festivals of the country from pre-covid with the increase costs of labor and ingredients. Wendy tasks us to think about what breweries do to reduce, reuse, and recycle to help the planet and if we would go to one of those venues, and Ken talks about the prices of a case of beer in each state and how the three of us have adjusted our spending as we get older, and as the industry changes.Ken's Article - THE PRICE OF A CASE OF BEER IN YOUR STATE – 2023 -'s Article - The death of the beer festival is jolting the craft brewing industry -'s Article - All-solar power for Surrey’s One Planet Brewing - https:/