Active Recall With Walter & Francis

HtbaC #4: See mastery in the world (with the internet)



Broaden your horizons: Travel the world physically and digitally, absorb the diverse cultures, cuisines, art, history, and languages. Immerse yourself in experiences and use those to fuel your creativity, as cooking is about more than just preparing a dish. Don't let the language barrier be an excuse, and be open to every experience, even if it's uncomfortable. Learn through doing and experiencing: Art isn't about mastery or understanding but about the act of creation and experience itself. Apply this ethos to any craft or skill, embrace the journey and celebrate the process, not just the final product. Your audience doesn't need to understand your art, but they should feel it. Harness the internet to enhance your creativity: As a digital creator, use the internet as a window to the world, participate in various subcultures, and connect with others in your niche. Find and interact with others interested in similar intersections, build your community, and broaden your perspective, thus enriching your creativ