Active Recall With Walter & Francis

How to be a Creator #2: Do what everyone else is doing. Do what everyone else isn't doing.



FIRST: THANK YOU to prior subscribers. I understand if you unsubscribe because I haven’t sent anything in like years and now will be emailing more frequently. (Or for like 4 days straight before another years-long hiatus…)A ChatGPT summary of what I blabbed about on the mic.Get ready for some mind-bending tips to be a better creator. Ditch that cooking school dream – because it's not about the degree, it's about the experience. Learn for free and harness the power of the internet to build your skills in the kitchen.For artists, your story is what makes you unique. So, tell it! Embrace the baby steps and build a library of work that shows off your talent.Finally, when it comes to being a creator, don't be afraid to blend conformity with innovation. Find a balance between what everyone else is doing and what sets you apart. Absorb, reject, and add what is uniquely yours.These three powerful tips – ditch the degree, embrace your story, and blend the familiar with the fresh – will set you on the path to being an