Anastasia Ryzhkova Podcast

On Reflections of the Soul: the Mirror of the World



In this captivating episode of Anastasia's Podcast, we delve deep into the profound concept that the world around us is not just a reflection but a mirror of our inner selves. This episode explores the intricate interplay between our inner world and the external universe. Come join me, dear listeners, on a journey through the cosmos as we unravel the enigmatic astrological phenomenon, Chiron in Leo. Discover how this celestial alignment can influence our sense of self-expression, creativity, and courage.  I share some personal anecdotes that shed light on overcoming the fear of putting oneself out there. Those stories are close to my heart as they reveal my own journey towards self-discovery and self-expression, providing valuable insights and practical tips for you, dear listeners, to embrace your authentic selves and shine brightly in the world. But what makes this episode truly special is its authenticity. In the moment of passionately discussing these cosmic revelations, you'll also get a taste of the rea