Mastering Your World Through Frequencies

Episode 200 - Unlocking The Magic - Ceremony Demystified



Sitting in ceremony seems to be really popular these days. From the rise of cacao ceremonies to cleansing ceremonies to full moon ceremonies, ceremony is often seen as synonymous with “spiritual”. But is it necessarily what we think it is? Where does the power of ceremony really come from? In this episode, we discuss what true ceremony is, why it can be so powerful, and what to look out for when you participate in ceremony. The Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) associated with this episode will begin to help you clear the distortion around ceremony and establish some of that feeling of greater connection that can happen in true ceremony. If you would like an opportunity to ask me questions in real-time, join me when I go live on YouTube. Subscribe to the Spherical Luminosity YouTube channel and click the reminder bell to be notified when I am live: For the latest news about upcoming events and to be notified when sessions with me are released, subscribe to our newsletter: