Ultraculture With Jason Louv

Ep. 178: ANGELS! With Timothy Wyllie (Remastered!)



In this evocative episode, we delve into the multidimensional life and works of Timothy Wyllie (1940-2017). This is a remaster of the conversation we had with him shortly before his death—it was just too important to leave in the vaults. We talk about angels, the Process, ketamine, PCP, UFOs, disembodied intelligences, and ALL KINDS of other WEIRD SH*T. You're gonna love it! From his roots in Great Britain and his education as an architect, to his pioneering explorations into out-of-body experiences, telepathic communications with dolphins, and profound interactions with nonphysical beings, Wyllie's journey is a testament to the vast potential of human experience. From ventures in New York City's business scene to his subsequent retirement into the world of creative endeavors, Wyllie was a fascinating and multifaceted individual, and listeners will be captivated by the blend of the tangible and ethereal in Wyllie's life. Timothy's unique "Bozon Music" — a harmonious fusion of True Age improvisational jazz and