Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#550: The Cost of Context Switching & How You Can Minimize It



Toggling between apps negatively impacts your focus – here’s how to minimize it (and still get stuff done) On any given day, I have a number of apps open on my computer and my phone to help me run my business -- from Asana, to Voxer, to Kajabi where I host my digital courses. Thank goodness for these platforms, because let’s be real – even just ten years ago, having an online business was much more difficult because this sort of technology just wasn’t available. And while these applications allow online businesses to run seamlessly, I recently read a study that reported that the average person spends five work weeks – or nine percent of their annual time at work – context switching, a.k.a reorienting themselves after toggling to something new. That’s a lot of wasted time, and beyond that, constantly having to readjust takes a toll on your ability to focus.  This article really got me thinking about some different ways that I could minimize context switching in my workday -- and since I’ve put some of the