Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#527: Your Task List Can Wait: Prioritize Your Mental Health First



Don’t let your task list get the best of you -- give yourself some space, and some grace Have you ever been so in the weeds with your task list that you don’t even know where to start?  I know I have, and let’s be honest -- watching your Asana tasks grow in real-time certainly isn’t a good feeling.  In fact, I recently had an experience where I became so overwhelmed by what I had on my plate, and had to ask my team for additional time on things that were already overdue.  As the captain of the ship, I won’t lie – I felt kind of bad about it. Like I was almost letting my team down for not getting them the deliverables they needed, when they needed them.  I had to take a step back, look at the situation from a 30,000 foot view, and realize that my task list does not own me.  And here’s the thing. Checking off those Asana tasks, as great as that would have made me feel, is not nearly as important as prioritizing my own mental health. I needed a little breather, and you know what? That’s 100% ok. So if you’