Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#340: Landing Page Not Converting? Here’s What To Do!



Just like you, your landing page is a big deal.  And when it isn’t converting… it’s just the pits. Can I get an amen? Luckily, there are a few minor adjustments that you can make to your existing landing page that will have it converting like hotcakes before you know it!  With some of my landing pages converting at over 40 percent, I know exactly what works and what doesn’t, and today, I’m sharing my secrets with you! There are three features you want to pay attention to: your call-to-action, branding, and copy. Get these dialed in and you, my friend, are in for a landing page conversion treat.  This episode is brought to you by The Draw Shop, a service to perfect your elevator pitch. Do you ever tell people what you do and they look at you a little…funny? Like they don’t totally get it? It happens to me, too. With The Draw Shop, you meet with an expert copywriter to create an exceptional elevator pitch and one-page visual story to compel prospects to respond right now. For a limited time, The Draw Shop