Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#308c: The Stimulus Package: How to Take Advantage of $350B Earmarked for Small Businesses (COVID-19 Series) with Casey Graham



Small businesses around the world are facing uncertainty, unemployment, and decisions they never thought possible. On top of that, they are having to learn and learn quickly about government relief solutions. From one small business owner to another, I understand what it’s like to feel lost in the confusion. Today’s show will break down, in layman's terms, the Stimulus Package for small businesses and how you can take advantage of it. My guest, Casey Graham, CEO of Gravy, is going to help me do that. You’ve probably heard me talk about Gravy before -- they do our customer retention and failed payment recovery, which is so important, especially during times like these. Casey has been in the online business world through two crises now and has a unique perspective and understanding of how to survive a crisis as a small business owner. Here’s a little sneak peek of what we talked about in this episode: Why online business and online learning is emerging as a giant leader right now, and why understanding t