Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#226: What to Focus On When You Are Just Starting Out



When just starting out in business (your first year or two) there are a variety of different paths to take, tasks to complete, and shiny objects lurking around every corner. When you’re not sure where to start or what to do next, this lack of focus leads to overwhelm and frustration. That’s why I recorded today’s episode (and created the awesome New Business Focus Worksheet to go with it!). I’m breaking down the FIVE key areas to focus on when you’re just getting started, and these are absolutely crucial for a successful online business. Are you a seasoned entrepreneur? Don’t click away, because this episode is for you, too. I not only focused on these same areas when I first started my business, but I still do today. I use these five areas almost as a check-up checklist for my business every quarter and during my annual planning. Here’s a snapshot of what I’m covering in today’s episode: FOCUS AREA #1: The importance of understanding WHY you’re building your business. I talk about Simon Sinek’s Golden Ci