Enlightened By Dogs With Kathy Kawalec

EBD282 Beyond Behavior: Connection and Compassion in Dog Parenting



do we jump to conclusions, thinking that our dogs are refusing to listen or choosing to be difficult? This week’s podcast episode invites us to see our dogs in a new light - as beings HAVING a hard time, NOT giving us a hard time. It’s all about creating “a life of compassion, connection, and cooperation with our dogs. And everyone else in our life too!”   Tune in and explore how we can be more forgiving and understanding, not just towards our dogs but also towards ourselves. 3 Key Takeaways:   Shift in Perspective: Viewing our dogs not as beings giving us a hard time but as beings having a hard time can revolutionize our approach to dog parenting, fostering a compassionate and understanding relationship. Pause-Breathe-Connect Approach: Before reacting to undesired behaviors, pausing to breathe and connect puts us in a better emotional place, enabling a calm and considered response to our dogs’ actions. Trust and Respect: Building a relationship based on trust and respect rather than control and obed