Consuming The Craft

Sergent Major to Brew Master with Matt



In this episode, Puff is joined by Matt Beck, a first-year student at the Craft Beverage Institute. Matt, a former military man with 28 years of service, decided to transition into a completely different field after retirement. With a passion for craft beer and coffee, Matt discovered the AB Tech program and was immediately drawn to its detailed curriculum and hands-on approach. Despite having no brewing experience, Matt jumped right into brewing beer in his second week of classes, and he thoroughly enjoys the production days, where he can put theory into practice. Matt's goal is to learn as much as possible and build connections in the brewing industry, and he is grateful for the cohort model of the program, which allows for networking and support among students.Matt Beck is a first-year student at the Craft Beverage Institute, pursuing his passion for craft beer and coffee. With 28 years of military service under his belt, Matt decided to embark on a new chapter in his life and explore the world of brewing.