Element Christian Church

Not So Little Women Week 5 - Rahab



We are doing a series, called Not So Little Women, where we look at the stories of different women in the Bible. Today we look at a matriarch of Israel, Rebekah. • Who was Rebekah? – She was Isaac’s wife, the granddaughter of Abraham’s brother, and the mother of Jacob and Esau. • What is her story? – Through specific answers to prayer, God chose Rebekah for Isaac’s wife. Isaac prayed for Rebekah and she conceived twins, Jacob and Esau. Years later, Rebekah instructed Jacob, her favorite son, to deceive his father Isaac so he would receive Esau’s blessing. As a result, Esau planned to murder Jacob, Jacob was sent away for 20 years, and Rebekah never saw her beloved son again. WATCH FULL SERVICE ON YOUTUBE DOWNLOAD PDF SERMON NOTES HERE