The Modern Mann

The Blueprint



Reggie Nelson grew up on an East London council estate to alcoholic parents. With drugs and violence all around him, he underperformed academically, and felt the only career options available to him were “music, football or crime”. Quintin Price grew up in India, with a cook, butler, and driver. His father was an international banker; his mother a committed philanthropist. After boarding school and University, he went into banking himself, and became an executive at BlackRock. Then, one afternoon in 2014, their lives crossed paths. In this eye-opening interview, they tell Olly what happened next. Reggie’s book, Opening Doors, is out now, and is also available as an audiobook. —---------------------- Meanwhile, in the Zeitgeist, Ollie Peart investigates self-publishing sensation Substack. Can he master the platform and become a blogging billionaire? With the help of music recommendation newsletter, he attempts to decode the ingredients to create the perfect Substack crowd-pleaser. But are hi