The Modern Mann

Porn Messed Up My Brain



Sebastian Schub was 19 when he first experienced erectile dysfunction. But he wasn’t a big drinker. There was no clear medical cause, such as heart disease. However - like most men his age - he was an avid user of porn tube sites.Googling his symptoms, he discovered the Reddit ‘no-fap’ community, and diagnosed himself with PIED (‘porn-induced erectile dysfunction’). Spurning masturbation, he attempted to ‘reboot’ his brain… as he recounts to Olly in this frank, fascinating interview.Elsewhere this edition: Ollie Peart has been fishing, kayaking, foraging, wild-swimming, cliff-jumping, fire-building, and sleeping outside… all because Mann-fan Stefan in Coventry asked him to. Will his attempts at micro-adventuring inspire him to have a new outlook on life? Or did those poor fish die in vain?Meanwhile, down the Foxhole, Alix Fox meets the 'Queen of Farts', and considers how best to make a written approach to a professional dominatrix. (Offering a deposit, apparently, is a strong start.)Finally, our record of the