The Modern Mann

The Downing Street Heckler



Shouting at Prime Ministers was off-limits at BBC Westminster before Paul ‘Gobby’ Lambert. He was the Producer who cried, ‘ANY MONEY IN THE BOX, CHANCELLOR?’ at George Osborne on Budget day and got Bill Clinton to talk to the News Channel by shouting, ‘OI, BILL!’. In this interview with Olly, Paul recalls how his inspired pursuit of Cherie Blair made several front pages, bemoans the current crop of journos who’d rather seek out sources on Twitter, and reveals how the murder of Milly Dowler affected his attitude to doorstep interviews. Meanwhile, in this week’s Zeitgeist, Ollie Peart test out the trend for home-made kefir, and uncovers the golden musical formula for Christmas hit-making. Perhaps. And, down the Foxhole, Alix Fox enjoys a ‘sex jog’ of London, and offers some sensational advice to a Mannfan who wants to bring sub/dom pursuits to the bedroom - without degrading or hurting her boyfriend. Our record of the week is the evocative and haunting ‘Put The Word Out’ by Joseph J Jones, out now on Communion