The Modern Mann

The Headhunter (Season 7, Ep 2)



On a bad day, what are you like to work for? When was the last time you felt professionally vulnerable? You’ve probably never been asked these questions in a job interview - but they’re bread-and-butter to executive headhunter Kathleen Saxton. In this conversation with Olly, she reveals the tricks she uses to ‘see through the professional mask’ to catch the eye of high-flying CEOs, ponders the future of workplace culture in an always-connected environment, and explains why employing a borderline psychopath isn’t *necessarily* a bad thing… Elsewhere, in this week’s Zeitgeist, Ollie Peart - fresh from experiencing an ‘earthquake’ in Dorset - explores the deeply-felt nostalgia that surfaced on #PokemonDay, considers the benefits of living in the office, and updates us on his mission to live plastic free for a week. If you have a challenge for Ollie to attempt on a future edition, reach out at Meanwhile, down the Foxhole, Alix Fox has a jolly story about bacterial vaginosis, and much to