The Modern Mann

Cabin Crew Confessions (Season 6, Ep 2)



Tricky customers, fixed smiles and terrible turbulence: it's all in a day's work for a flight attendant. But how to keep your cool at 30,000 feet? How to cope with unpredictable emergencies? And how to let off steam afterwards? Daisy White is a woman who knows. Now a YA author, she spent 12 years working for airlines including Monarch and Caledonian. In this interview with Olly, she lifts the lid on drunken passengers, mile high club wannabes - and 'overweight' trolley dollies... You can find out more about Daisy at In this week's Zeitgeist, Ollie Peart plays the 'Micro-Generation Game', tries his hand at Shoutcasting, considers the future of Amazon Key, and doesn't gloat about the fact he was sort-of-right about the decline of the musical fade out, even though he'd have every right to. And a previous Zeitgeist topic, male make-up, rears its head again in this week's Lifehack - as make-up artist Declan Scammell proffers his Top 3 tips for men who want to wear make-up in their daily live