The Modern Mann

Lost At Sea (Season 6, Ep 1)



Tumbling overboard following a fit of food poisoning, Brett Archibald survived 28 hours alone in the Indian Ocean. In this extraordinary interview with Olly, he re-lives his onslaught of hallucinations, his encounter with a shark, and how he contemplated certain death... You can read more about Brett's amazing story at, and in his book, Alone, which is out now.  Elsewhere in our season premiere, Ollie Peart returns with The Zeitgeist, and ponders the trend for 'marathon banditing', the return of Beck, and how to make Cheese Tea seem a delicious prospect. And, down The Foxhole, Alix Fox - fresh from winning an award for her podcast series Close Encounters - returns to shed light on the enigmatic world of female ejaculation. If you have a question of sex for Alix, now is the time to submit it; you can remain anonymous if you wish - just visit and click Feedback. The Foxhole is sponsored by our friends at - remember, to get 15% off their range of incredible toys a