Regular Joes Podcast

Ep 499: The Sniff Test



It’s that time again when the Regular Joe’s thoughts turn to the Rhode Island Comicon. Making the trek to Providence has been a RJ tradition for 10 years, pretty much as long as the podcast has been running. This year as they prepare, they take a second round (apparently this is now tradition as well) at rating the huge list of convention guests, based on autograph, appeal, visual appeal, and …. wait for it, aromatic appeal. This stems from an entirely reasonable comment Tod once made about Karen Gillan, and as things do, it just spiraled from there. There’s also a round of What’s in the Box, dominated by two very large boxes, that Tod and Dave have been waiting on for well over a year. Tomy’s epic scale die cast NCC-1701  has been met with awe and minor nitpicking, find out what the Joes think as they add what is certainly the heaviest starship they have ever owned to their respective collections. Oh … and Barry has a new Star Wars thing.  There’s also the usual random topics  Note: somewhat astonishingly th