My Imaginary Friends With L. Penelope

Write Yourself In / Write Your Way Out



THIS WEEK'S BEST THING: ARCs for CRY OF METAL & BONE have arrived! MENTIONS: - The Obelisk Gate by NK Jemisin - New Yorker article on NK Jemisin  - Kenya Goree-Bell / Karis Bell - Facebook book club - Hamilton "I Wrote My Way Out" - - Then, Now, Always by Mona Shroff - Worksheets & Thesauruses galor! - Earthsinger Chronicles: HUSH OF STORM & SORROW (book 2.5) REQUIEM OF SILENCE (book 4) - "Here's What Would Happen If Stephen King Were Treated Like a Latina Writer"    The My Imaginary Friends podcast is a weekly, behind the scenes look at the journey of a working author navigating traditional and self-publishing. Join fantasy and paranormal romance author L. Penelope as she shares insights on the writing life, creativity, inspiration, and this week's best thing. Subscribe and view show notes at: Get the Footnotes newsletter - My Imagi