Edmond's Moms Room

Ep. 132 The Truth About Perineal Massage: Does It Actually Prevent Tearing?



In this eye-opening episode, Dr. Allison tackles the myths surrounding perineal massage and unveils the truth about its efficacy in preventing tearing. Join Dr. Allison as she reveals why perineal stretching lacks a solid foundation and may not be the solution. She shines a spotlight on a critical limitation of perineal massage - its failure to address all three layers of the pelvic floor. She centers on the importance of comprehensive pelvic floor stretching, ensuring that all layers are adequately lengthened and the tissue is HEALTHY. Learn why kegels do not help improve the health of the pelvic floor and how most people do not do them correctly, and why they can cause more tightness than help. Join Dr. Allison as she navigates the intricacies of pelvic floor health, debunking misconceptions, and providing valuable insights into cultivating a healthy pelvic floor!