Mastering Your World Through Frequencies

Episode 205 - Transmute Chaos into Alignment: The Power of Spiritual Alchemy



With the increasing instability, polarity, and extremity in everything from our political and financial systems to the weather, it can feel like we’re sinking into chaos. But did you know that you can actually transmute chaos into alignment and harmony – AND do it in a way that gives you tremendous spiritual acceleration, not to mention a way better experience of life? The Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) associated with this episode will help you to begin to clear the distortion patterns that keep you from being in the present moment of time, which is where you access the momentum needed to vibrate high enough to be able to perform Spiritual Alchemy. If you would like an opportunity to ask me questions in real-time, join me when I go live on YouTube. Subscribe to the Spherical Luminosity YouTube channel and click the reminder bell to be notified when I am live: For the latest news about upcoming events and to be notified when sessions with me are released, subscribe to our