Regular Joes Podcast

Ep 503: Be Kind, Please Rewind: The 1990’s



Prompted by Dave’s recent observation about the scarcity of good sci-fi / fantasy / action / adventure genre films from the 1990’s the Regular Joes dive into the last decade of the last millennium. And while the 1990’s does not holdup to the decade immediately prior, there are a good many films from a wide range of genres that are worth a second look. Though opinions vary on several titles, it is clear the 1990’s yielded a few gems. One of the best sequels ever in Terminator 2 Judgement Day 1991. An original Sci Fi offering, in Matrix 1999, whose magic proved impossible to recapture. And a groundbreaking shift in how animation is handed on the big screen with Toy Story 1995. There are also a bevy of sentimental favorites along the way, including the Rocketeer 1991 (Tod), A few Good Men 1992 (Dave) and Clerks 1994 (Barry). Like the 1990’s as a whole, there are some high points, but also a whole lot best left in the rear view mirror. And, of course, there’s also the usual Random Topics and a round of What’s in