Terrible Book Club

Double Feature: Rathew Love Story: A Love Story by Argus G. + Curiosity: A Book for Curious Minds by Bookinsky* - Episode 181



We've got another Amazon Double Feature for you! Today, we tackle two more pieces of book-like debris that Chris found in the bowels of an Amazon search, the criteria of which has been lost to time: Rathew Love Story: A Love Story by Argus G. Curiosity: A Book for Curious Minds by Bookinsky* (yes, the asterisk is in the author name) Paris goes on a methodology queen adventure as she and Chris discuss whether both of these authors are actually just AI. They also ponder if Paris will live through Season 9 due to the condition of her New England apartment. Over the last several seasons, we’ve structured our discussions into Things That Were Good and Things That Were Bad. For the first part of Season 9, we're trying out a rubric Chris created where we rate a book on each of the following categories on a 3-point scale of -1, 0 , or 1: Technical Construction (Typos, Formatting/Layout, Punctuation, etc.) Plot Construction & Content (Coherence, Rule Following, Character Quality) Moment-to-Moment (Qual