Medieval Archives

Medieval Archives Podcast Update



We hit a milestone this month for the Medieval Archives Podcast. Ten years of podcasting! Unfortunately the podcast hit an unexpected and lengthy hiatus. But we are coming back this summer! Along with the 10 year anniversary is a fresh new website. And we're removing all the ads from the website as well! The new website and renewed podcast will remain ad-free! There are great lessons ready and planned, looking at the history and tragedy of Notre Dame cathedral, Medieval Mercenaries, Vikings, the Crusades, explorers and much more. The Medieval Archives podcast and website will remain ad-free. The money I earned from the ad networks helps keep the website and podcast running. But I'd rather lose that money to make a better experience for you on the website and while listening to the podcast. I might still keep reminding you about the free book from audible! But seriously, who doesn't like free books! Your support is always appreciated. anyway you want to contribute helps, subscribe on apple podcasts or your po