C-note Fm

"Why So Judgy, Gen Alpha?" Unpacking the Sass & Wit of Our Digital Natives



This episode references Generational Theory and the book The Fourth Turning is Here by Neil Howe.Hey everyone, CNote here, and guess what? We’re diving deep into the digital rabbit hole in this week’s episode of the Happy Chemicals podcast, where we’re poking the bear—or should I say, the honey badger? That’s right, we’re talking about Generation Alpha: the newest crew on the block, known for their assertiveness, digital savvy, and a surprising knack for being, well, kinda judgy.A Little Too Honest or Just Ahead of Their Time?So here’s the deal: Our Gen Alpha kiddos are growing up in a world far different from the one we knew. They’re swiping on iPads before they can walk, consuming content at a pace we can hardly keep up with, and yes, they’ve got opinions. Lots of them. About us, about technology, about the world at large. And let’s just say, they’re not holding back.But why does it seem like these pint-sized pundits are ready to throw shade like it’s going out of style? Are they just mimicking what they se