C-note Fm

Avoiding Lottery Winner Styles of Advice



In this episode, I delve into the phenomenon of people giving bad career advice based on their own personal experiences. While well-intentioned, advice from others may not always be applicable to our unique circumstances. I explore the importance of conducting our own trial and error experiments to find what truly resonates with us and creates a sense of fulfillment in our careers.I also dive into the four Myers-Briggs subtypes as coined by Dr. Dario Nardi and featured on the Personality Hacker podcast. These subtypes provide insight into how different personality types approach decision-making and career choices. By understanding our individual subtypes, we can make more informed decisions about our careers and avoid falling into the trap of taking advice that may not be suited to our particular personality type.Through discussion and analysis, I offer guidance on how to create contrast in our careers, experiment with different paths, and ultimately make the final choices for ourselves. So join me for this i