Consuming The Craft

Sara Delaney Unveils a New Kind of Brew: The Hoppy Non-Alcoholic Craft Scene



Today, on Consuming the Craft, I was absolutely thrilled to chat with the innovative Sara Stender Delaney, who shook up the beverage scene with her inspiring caffeine-free spritzers. We navigated the complexities of marketing a new niche in the drink aisle and unraveled how her creations cater to an evolving demographic seeking health-conscious alternatives to soda and alcohol. Sara's entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to consumer education left an impression, especially as we considered the challenges of product placement and the diverse palates of today's conscientious shoppers."Marketing a unique product isn't just about the shelves it sits on; it's about the story they tell and the lives they touch." ~ Sara Stender DelaneySara is an award-winning beverage creator, TEDx Speaker, and the Founding CEO of Sarilla, a social enterprise with two Fair Trade-certified product lines, including a sparkling nonalcoholic beverage and loose-leaf tea. She has been partnering with the people of Rwanda since 2007, sour