Dark Histories

Sarah Hart: Murder on the Telegraph Cables



When a young woman was found lying on her hearth rug, foaming at the mouth on New Years Day of 1845, few would have guessed that the winding path leading up to her death would result in a mystery that would become entwined with one of the key moments in the history of communication as well as one of the earliest cases of murder by Prussic Acid. In the long catalogue of Victorian poisonings, the case of Sarah Hart remains prominent not just because of its twists and turns, but equally because of its long reaching influences on the adoption of a device that would help to shape the modern world.   SOURCES   Carol, Baxter (2014) The peculiar case of the electric constable: a true tale of passion, poison & pursuit. Oneworld, London, UK.   South Eastern Gazette (1845) Alleged Murder At Slough. South Eastern Gazette, Tues 7 January 1845. UK   The Examiner (1845) Suspected Murder. The Examiner, Sat 4 January 1845. UK.   Bell's Weekly Messenger (1845) Apprehension Of A Quaker On A Charge Of Murder. Bell'