The /filmcast (aka The Slashfilmcast)

Ep. 694 - Decision To Leave



David, Jeff, and Devindra dive into the Curiosities in Guillermo Del Toro's Cabinet, are impressed by the drama in Women Talking, and hint at a movie that has been on Jeff's list of shame for 15 years. Then, they review Park Chan-Wook's Decision To Leave. Also: we're making video versions of our reviews! Be sure to subscribe to us on YouTube at Use #slashtag on Twitter to recommend titles. Thanks to Mike C for building the Hashtag Slashtag website. Weekly Plugs David - Decoding Reality: A New Reality TV podcast Devindra - Devindra on TWIT 7471 Jeff - Throwing Stuff into Space Shownotes (All timestamps are approximate only) What we've been watching  (~26:44) David - The Stranger, Fall Devindra - Cabinet of Curiosities, The White Lotus S2 Jeff - Women Talking, How to Change Your Mind Featured Review (~1:13:03) Decision To Leave SPOILERS (~1:29:30) Support David's artistic endeavors at his Patreon. Listen and subscribe to David’s interview podcast Culturally Relevant and subscrib