Mastering Your World Through Frequencies

Episode 213 - Detox 2.0: Upleveled Integration



Are you someone who likes to integrate change quickly? If you’re someone who geeks out on growth, sometimes you can inadvertently slow your progress down. In this episode, we talk about our greatest challenge when it comes to this higher level re-organization, and how we can inadvertently limit our own growth if we attach to the way things have been. The Group Frequency Calibration® (GFC) associated with this episode will help you to be more in the flow of the re-organization so it can be a more effective and efficient process, clearer of your expectations of what it should be! If you would like an opportunity to ask me questions in real time, join me when I go live on YouTube. Subscribe to the Spherical Luminosity YouTube channel and click the reminder bell to be notified when I am live: For the latest news about upcoming events and to be notified when sessions with me are released, subscribe to our newsletter: