Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

I lost a friend



Losing people is a part of life, I do not think we can avoid it. So it’s the way we move forward that counts. I’ve moved on from people without looking back; without wanting to spend any more time dwelling or thinking or reliving. But I also think you can move while also treasuring a place for them in your heart, forever. Moving on doesn’t always mean forgetting. Moving on can mean: building on, honoring, treasuring, and remembering. And maybe one day, when we’re old and grey, we’ll find ourselves back in our hometown on Christmas Eve at the same old pub. "So, Dave, tell me about the last 30 years of your life". And he’ll go… "it started when I moved to Nashville". And I will smile and listen and laugh and cry and then I’ll tell him about Porto, where it started for me, and where I went after that. We’ll have another whisky and drink to life, for its wonderful and cruel ways of turning friends into strangers and, on lucky days, strangers into friends and friends into family.  Find my book