Macabre London Podcast

The Physical Fight For The Vote! SUFFRAGETTES Beaten By POLICE on orders from WINSTON CHURCHILL



300 women were penned into parliament square and thrown to the mercy of the male crowd and given the order to "Do with them as they wished" This violent assault lasted 6 hours and unarmed women were beaten, attacked and then arrested all because they wanted their cry of "Votes For Women" to be heard! On part 3 of our Suffragette series we take a look at the bitter battle of Black Friday and the turning point in the campaign to gain the female vote. The 1800's ushered in a new way of life for everyone and the Industrial Revolution wasn't called that just because of the machines. This new reign of technology heralded in a new era in workers rights or in fact highlighted that...there were none! Pair this with the fact that only 4500 men in England were allowed to vote, this meant working class people had no say in what happened to them and they were angry! Today on Macabre London, we uncover Black Friday, an event which made the gentle suffragettes turn to violence all in the name of gaining the vote. This is pa