Table Reads

126 - The Star Wars, Part 4



While George continues serving up a complex web of political intrigue to rival Game of Thrones, he throws in the most insane bonkers hard sci-fi bullshit we’ve ever seen… Like, for real, you will be ASTONISHED… Guys, it involves Brain smoothies. Yeah, you read that right. No, we’re not misleading you. If your curiosity piqued yet? If not, I just don’t know what to tell you… but for the rest of you, give it a listen! You won’t be disappointed! Unless you were looking for some real quality storytelling… then, yeah, you’re gonna be pretty disappointed. But it’s episode 126, you should know what we do here by now.Like this podcast? Hate it? Either way, give us a review on your platform of choice! Here's an easy link to help: Don’t forget that our patrons can join us on a livestream while we record these episodes roughly a month in advance! They also get early access to posted episodes, AD FREE. Just head on over to and make a pledge! We’ll