Table Reads

123 - The Star Wars, Part 1



Years before he wrote Star Wars, George Lucas wrote “THE STAR WARS,” an epic Space Opera that has some words you might recognize but otherwise bears almost no resemblance to what we now think of as Star Wars. The story, goals and themes are completely different. And, oh yeah, Artoo talks. There are 4 main drafts of the original Star Wars script, and while you might expect that they progress from something strange to something familiar, they are essentially all completely different stories, with only a few things in common throughout, finally leaping with the 4th draft into what eventually made cinema history. So get ready, because we’re gonna show you that, oh yes it can get worse than Midichlorians! Like this podcast? Hate it? Either way, give us a review on your platform of choice! Here's an easy link to help: Don’t forget that our patrons can join us on a livestream while we record these episodes roughly a month in advance! They also get early access to poste