Table Reads

120 - Sam Hamm's Watchmen, Part 4



It’s Rorschach’s turn in the spotlight! There’s action! Violence! A revealed Identity! Prison! Therapy! It’s everything you could want from an unhinged psycho vigilante backstory! Like this podcast? Hate it? Either way, give us a review on your platform of choice! Here's an easy link to help: Don’t forget that our patrons can join us on a livestream while we record these episodes roughly a month in advance! They also get early access to posted episodes, AD FREE. Just head on over to and make a pledge! We’ll love you whether you do or not, but becoming a patron is the best way not to get friend-zoned. Our episodes are also available as in-studio videos on YouTube! Just go to and subscribe!As always, you can reach out to us on Twitter @TheTableReads or find us on Facebook at Or you can find us anywhere on the internet by going to