
Marla Rubalcava: Posterior Chain Health, Regulating the Stress Response, Glutes317 Discount, Healing Generational Trauma, Escaping Your Comfort Zone | #213



"Our mission is to help busy individuals build a healthier body while feeling strong and energized." – Marla, Founder of Glutes317 In the hustle of our everyday lives, fitness often takes a back seat. When it does make an appearance, it's typically within the four walls of a gym, surrounded by machines and the echo of clanking weights. But what if we could break free from the traditional confines and take our fitness journey outdoors? That's exactly what Marla Rubalcava, the founder of Glutes317, has done. In this episode, we hear Marla's story and are introduced to a fresh approach to wellness redefining what it means to be fit. Glutes317 was born from the need to adapt during the COVID-19 pandemic when traditional gyms were no longer an option. Set in the heart of Indianapolis, Glutes317 offers a one-of-a-kind workout experience in individual shipping containers turned personal training pods. Each pod is a mini-gym, fully equipped and ready for a strength training session. A portion o