Conversations With Cinthia

God Does Not Cover Up Bad Things; He Covers Us



I Peter 4:8 tells us, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.”  But what does this mean, and how do we walk it out in a healthy way?  Does it mean dismissing sin, hiding abuse and allowing it to continue, accepting ongoing mistreatment without ever setting a boundary? Covering has several dimensions, and God is our example in all of them.  One aspect of covering is forgiveness, which is always associated with love, and the supreme example of this is Jesus taking our sin on Himself and dying for us.  In this way, God did more than just cover our sin; He completely did away with it.  He destroyed it.  He paid for it and satisfied what had to be done in response to it at a cosmic level.  God’s forgiveness of our sin is never a dismissal of its significance; justice and mercy meet in the cross.  So, when we follow His example by loving one another and forgiving as God, in Christ, forgave us, we do not dismiss the significance of how another has harmed us.  We acknowledge it, a