Boston Podcast Network

Dr. Rinku Mehra on Tackling Childhood Obesity and Diabetes



In this episode of The Boston Podcast, Dave welcomes Dr. Rinku Mehra, a pediatric endocrinologist and childhood obesity expert from Virginia. Dr. Mehra discusses the rising rates of type 2 diabetes among children, the impact of the pandemic on these trends, and the importance of diet, exercise, and genetic factors. She offers practical advice on healthier eating habits and emphasizes the need for community involvement in promoting physical activity. The episode also features Dr. Mehra's insights on programs like 'Walk with a Doc' and her approach to supporting families dealing with weight issues.Topics:01:09 Introducing Dr. Rinku Mehra: A Conversation on Pediatric Endocrinology and Childhood Obesity02:08 The Growing Concern of Type 2 Diabetes in Youth03:27 Diet, Exercise, and the Role of Genetics in Diabetes05:23 Navigating the American Diet: Choices and Challenges07:39 Practical Advice for Healthier Eating Habits12:26 Walk with a Doc: Encouraging Community Health and Exercise16:46 Family Health: Diet, Exerci