Pink Shade With Erin Martin

407 - Love During Lock Up “Buy Buy Love” with Amye Archer



Erin is out dealing with a family emergency so MP is chatting with Bunkie Amye about Friday’s Love During Lockup episode titled “Buy Buy Love”. Indie is literally MOVING to Ohio (with her toddler) in an under packed U-haul with her amazing mom, sister and brother. She doesn’t care if Harry kidnapped someone because he didn’t have any DV on his rap sheet. She’s Daonte II. Gabby tells her friend that Chris's ex sent her some voice memos where he claims he’s not with her so she’s wondering what exactly is going on. Also she spent the $60k he gave her, so that sucks. Haley goes out with her friend Emily and that makes Dalton mad. Haley’s mom got quite a glow up and we love it. Santiba’s mom is savage and thinks Santiba is nuts.  Tai is mad because Boston is posting her nudes on the gram that she sent to Hottie. And Max continues his fake storyline where his braces magically disappear and reappear and his friends hate him. See ( for privacy and opt-out information.