Pink Shade With Erin Martin

116 - 90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After Recap



Mary Payne Gilbert joins Erin to recap 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After. Also, announcing our new private Patreon Page: HEY BUNKIE! Go to ( to become a Patron and listen to 4 extra recaps every month!!! Support the Pink Shade podcast & get BONUS content at ( the closed Facebook group: Pink Shade With Erin Martin ( Erin on Twitter @ErinLeahMartin ( & Instagram @erinleahmartin ( into The Jenny McCarthyShow on ch109 of SiriusXM Stars every week for Erin & Jenny recapping our favorite Real Housewives shows.Find Erin's 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way recaps posted on ( starting June 4th!Follow Mary Payne on Twitter @marypayne2 ( and Instagram @marypayne