Consuming The Craft

Exploring Barrel-Aged Gins and Custom Whiskey Programs with Wylie DiaMond



In today's episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Wylie DiaMond, a passionate distiller and recent graduate, to discuss his journey through the world of spirits, including single malt, gin, and whiskey. Wylie shared the exciting news about his company's expansion in their whiskey program, including a new barrel selection initiative that allows consumers to indulge in custom flavor profiles. We also touched on Wylie's impressive background, from salmon fishing in Alaska to completing his captain's license program, as well as his plans for the future and his burgeoning interest in coaching football. Wylie DiaMond is a recent graduate as of May 2024, with a strong interest in distillation. During his education, he interned at a local distillery called the Chemist and pursued a captain's licensing program. Before diving into the distillation world, Wylie worked as a salmon fisherman in Alaska for five years. His journey through the AB Tech brewing, distillation, and fermentation program has been marked