Consuming The Craft

John Lyda Discusses Student Internships and Industry Opportunities at AVL Beer Expo



 In today's episode, I had the pleasure of catching up with John Lyda, a celebrated faculty member at AB Tech and, perhaps, an accidental fashionista, with our mutual thoughts on jorts. We recorded live from the AVL Beer Expo at Battery Park in Asheville, where we discussed everything from the hustle and heat of the event to the educational endeavors of our students in the brewing, distillation, and fermentation program. John shared insights on the broad array of internships our students undertake, aimed at providing real-world experience to complement their classroom learning.John Lyda has been a cornerstone in the brewing education community. With his extensive background and on-the-ground experience, he has played a pivotal role in shaping the future of many budding beverage professionals. His commitment to hands-on learning and his personable approach makes him an invaluable asset to the Craft Beverage Institute of the Southeast at AB Tech."We try to keep it where they don't do the packaging, the whole in