Hidden Forces

Finding Meaning and Purpose in a Solved World | Nick Bostrom



In Episode 366 of Hidden Forces, Demetri Kofinas speaks with Nick Bostrom, the founding director of the Future of Humanity Institute and Principal Researcher at the Macrostrategy Research Initiative. Nick Bostrom is also the author of Superintelligence, which was the book that ignited a global conversation about what might happen if AI development goes wrong. In his latest book, Deep Utopia, Bostrom attempts to answer the opposite question – what happens if things go right? At such a point of technological maturity driven by further and further advancements in artificial intelligence, humanity will confront challenges that are philosophical and spiritual in nature. In such a “solved world,” as Nick Bostrom describes it, what will be the point of human existence? What will give life meaning? How should we spend our days if we no longer need to work, exercise, or make political choices? And is such a world consistent with human agency and freedom? These are all questions that Kofinas explores in this expansive