Consuming The Craft

Wading Through Waters: BooBear's Honest and Hilarious Water Reviews



 In today's episode, I had the joy of sharing a special tasting experience with my seven-year-old daughter, BooBear. We explored the world of water flavors, indulging in Woo's Clues, where BooBear sampled different types of bottled water. We discussed how various waters can have distinct tastes and how kids' taste buds differ from those of adults. It was an enlightening and entertaining session filled with honest, heartwarming impressions from BooBear.BooBear is my delightful and perceptive seven-year-old daughter. Known for her adventurous yet discerning palate, BooBear has previously helped me in our segment called Moo's Clues, where she compared different types of milk. In this episode, she lends her taste buds once again to explore the surprisingly diverse flavors of bottled water. Despite her young age, BooBear understands that kids have more sensitive taste buds than adults and is always eager to lend her taste testing expertise."It tastes gross, like not normal water that I've tasted." ~ BooBearToday o