C-note Fm

Jordan Peterson Triggers Me: The Male Victim Identity



The voiceover is produced in Eleven Labs.I'm currently processing The Victim Identity, which is not a Matt Damon film but a concept I learned from Eckhart Tolle. In this video, he describes it as a superiority complex disguised by inferiority—a tricky paradoxical complex. It’s worth watching if this concept connects with you.The Victim Identity takes moments or times in one’s life where they experienced being a victim and held onto it as a narrative for why things aren’t going how I’d like them to go now. The past becomes an excuse more than it becomes a natural karma. Eckhart uses the common example of attractiveness as an easy narrative to grasp why someone isn’t successful, hasn’t found a partner, or is struggling in some other way. It often arises when nothing happens in someone’s life because the ego needs something to grab onto as an identity, so it digs into the past for some sense of self. This differs from someone who has been a victim and/or healing, which involves releasing having been a victim to