Mike Drop

Active-Duty California K9 Police Officer Zach Pfannenstiel | Mike Ritland Podcast Episode 201



Subscribe to the Mike Drop Patreon Page to see Ad-Free Episodes Early + Bonus Content at https://www.patreon.com/mikedrop The Mike Drop Podcast supports active-duty police officers in all capacities. The views and opinions expressed by Zach Pfannenstiel on this podcast are reflective of Echelon K9 and not of the San Diego Police Department.  Patrol Officer. Gang Suppression Team Officer. Canine Handler. Training Sergeant. For Zach Pfannenstiel, these aren't just familiar titles - they're positions he's served as a faithful executor of the San Diego Police Department - a department that he still serves under today. He's also dedicated a notable amount of time in his career to the canine unit; over a decade in fact, where he continues to serve as the Training Sergeant responsible for overseeing a team of over 40 working dogs.  But law enforcement is about more than simply catching criminals, - just last April, Zach testified in Sacramento to combat the elimination of Police Canines with Assembly Bill 3241, r